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December 9, 2013

3×12 Project: November 2013

This may be the furthest I have have gotten behind on my blogging, but with good reason! The month of November was insanely BUSY. Who am I kidding? December is proving to be that way too! I think that’s just how it ends up being every year around the holidays though. This year was just slightly more busy than usual though because….


Yes, James and I finally became first time homeowners!!!!!!!!! We are so excited! Can you tell?!?

This has been the first time throughout our 6.5 year marriage (that extra 1/2 a year is important) that it has made sense for us to actually OWN a home. Let’s see if I can remember why… the first year we got married we lived in an apartment while James finished school and we figured out what we wanted to do next. Then we spent a couple of years traveling on the road, running title in the oil and gas industry (totally random, but it allowed us to pay off student loans), in which time we lived out of hotels or rented housing. After that we lived in a church parsonage for 3 years during James’ ministry in Indiana. When we moved down to Savannah we decided to rent for the first year while we figured out what area what wanted to live in and had plenty of time to search for a house. Well, that year is almost at it’s end and we found a house just in time! We actually closed on it a few weeks ago, but are taking our time to move in while we work on some projects in the house.

And since I know you are probably wondering– yes, it is much harder to pack up your home when you have a CRAWLING BABY on your hands. That’s right, this just also happened to be the month that Jack decided he was ready to crawl! While I was so excited to watch him master this skill, I was also panicking on the inside. I’m not ready. We haven’t baby-proofed anything. How am I supposed to pack while chasing after a baby and pulling who-knows-what out of his mouth?!?!? It’s been exciting, to say the least! James and I have had a blast watching Jack with his new-found freedom, though I can’t say the same for our cats. :-)

Jack also became an “expert” food eater during the month of November. He finally decided that he would eat off of a spoon again and has really mastered the art of feeding himself finger foods, which just happens the be the cutest thing to watch. Is it weird that I LOVE watching him chew?? Throughout the month we also dealt with a small bout of stranger danger, Momma’s boy syndrome (which I am SO not complaining about), and a large dose of sass (a.k.a. throwing a fit to get what he wants while Mommy takes a picture because his pouty face is too cute).

We also did some traveling during the month of November to see family. First we visited my Grandparents and extended family in Virginia, which was the first time that all of that side of the family got to meet Jack! Then we took a quick trip over to Atlanta to spend Thanksgiving with my Grandma and extended family that live there. We had a lot of fun this month sharing Jack with our family and watching them enjoy him. :-)

This month’s photo was taken at my Grandparent’s farm in Virginia. James and I took a similar photo there a couple of years ago (without a baby of course), so it was fun to recreate that with Jack. Now, it just so happened when we took the photo that it was almost nap time, so although Mommy and Daddy were trying super hard to get Jack to smile, it just wasn’t happening because baby boy was tired. Ahhhh, that’s life though, right? And that’s what I love about my 3 x 12 Photo Project– capturing life just how it was to be able to look back on in years to come. :-)


And here’s my little farmer boy sitting on his great-Grandpa’s tractor!

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