Grab a coffee and take a look around! This is my space to share recent weddings, portrait sessions, and some of my personal life as well.
welcome to my
home on the web
Here we are half-way into November and I just realized that I forgot to share my October 3×12 photo! Oooops. Well, anyhoo, this month’s photo was taken at our church’s annual Country Carnival (hence why we are all dressed a bit country)! It is always such a fun event and great outreach for the community. This year it just so happened to be rather hot on the date, so we were all sweaty messes until the sun set. We had a lot of fun though and Jack really loved exploring the grounds before the crowds showed up, and ESPECIALLY loved the petting zoo. :-)
Other notable things from October…
It was a great, yet BUSY month, as Octobers always are. Already enjoying the (slightly) cooler temperatures in November that make it much more appropriate to wear boots and sweaters!