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This weekend James and I decided to get out and explore Eagle Creek Park in Indy. We love being outdoors and exploring new places, especially when there are big bodies of water around. As we drove throughout the park and walked the trails I couldn’t stop commenting on how green everything was! With the rain we’ve been having and warm temperatures it’s no wonder everything changed colors so quickly this Spring. We, of course, had to take the cameras along to capture the green goodness.
Right away we spotted 3 deer (or should I say, James spotted) grazing in the woods near the main road. They weren’t timid in the least bit and let me get pretty close. This one decided to stop and pose while I took it’s picture!
How pretty is this little guy??
James has such a good eye for spotting wildlife. He saw the deer right away, bass swimming in the pond (which I never could see), and as we were hiking along the trail he somehow eyeballed these turtles through the brush, sitting out in the pond.
When we went to check out the beach area at the reservoir we happened upon a collegiate regatta. Although we don’t actually know anything about rowing, James was excited to Michigan participating in the race, as that is his home state. What I learned from watching all of the teams is that crew members are all in incredibly good shape!
So there you have it– this was our Saturday! Even though it was an overcast day, the temperature was perfect and the rain held off until we got home. We had a great time and I can’t hardly wait for summer to come to partake in some good ‘ol boating and camping!
And in case you are wondering, the title of this post is what I said to James before we got in the car to head home. ;-)