Grab a coffee and take a look around! This is my space to share recent weddings, portrait sessions, and some of my personal life as well.
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Leah has been one of my dearest friends since Kindergarten. You know how you have those friends where you can go for months without seeing each other, but as soon as you get together you just pick up where you left off like nothing has changed?? I only have a few of those, and Leah is definitely one of them. We grew up going to the same small, private school together and were literally in the same class together from K-8th Grade. We did pretty much everything together including sports, dance, and Girl Scouts. I vividly remember dressing up and playing “Olden Days” with her and making up silly words that were only funny to the both of us. When it came time for high school and later college we went our separate ways, but always kept in contact.
When I got married a couple of years ago I knew right away that I would ask Leah to be one of my bridesmaids (maid of honor in fact). She spoiled me with a gorgeous bridal shower that looked like it had been thrown by a professional event planner. It was awesome. When it came time for her to get engaged a little while later, I was so honored to be asked to be in her wedding party. Leah has an amazing family and two of her aunts hosted a wonderful bridal shower for her in Cincinnati recently. I was able to make it in to town to join in the festivities and took some pictures for her while I was there…
Leah’s shower was held on the first day of Spring and it sure felt like it. Between the beautiful weather and bright decor it was like walking into a Spring Wonderland!
Oh yea, and did I mention that Leah is gorgeous?!?
We had a little portrait session before the guests showed up at the shower… Her make-up was done by brideface in Cincinnati. Check out their blog here.
Leah also has two beautiful sisters, Lindsey and Jenna.
They are pretty fun. :-)
Welcome to the shower!
Leah’s cousin, Stephanie flew in from New York for the shower.
I think she had a great time…
Don’t confuse the “Jenna” on this card with me. No, I’m not this crafty. Leah’s younger sister, Jenna designed this card herself. Think she should make her own card business?
The whole female side of the wedding party.
Leah and her mom.
The ladies behind the wonderful shower.
When I was asked to take a few shots of Leah’s younger cousins, I was amazed at how they totally got in “posing” mode and played model for me. Aren’t they just the cutest things ever?!?
I had so much fun! Can’t wait until the big day in May!
Things worth noting:
Leah’s make-up: Brideface (Cincinnati, OH)
Petite fours (delicious– I highly recommend!): Servati’s Bakery (Cincinnati, OH)
Leah’s wedding will be photographed by Kortnee Kate (Cincinnati, OH). I can tell you that she is an amazing photographer because she shot my wedding!
You are fabulous!!! I love all of them!
Thanks for all the beautiful pictures. They’re amazing.
Jenna, you have outdone yourself here. You are talented photographer. Thankyou so much for taking those pictures, I cried when I saw how you had captured that moment in time. We are blessed to have you in our lives.
Jenna, You are truly amazing. What a beautiful way for Leah to remember her shower. Best Wishes and God Bless!!
What a great talent you have, I know you will go far. The pictures are just beautiful.
Thank you so much.
Wow! What a blast from the past, but I LOVED looking at these pictures! Jenna, Leah, the sisters… everyone, even a shot of Stephanie! everyone has matured beautifully! all adults… amazing to see! congrats on a job well done (and congrats, leah!)
Great shots! I love your shirt Jenna, to cute!