Grab a coffee and take a look around! This is my space to share recent weddings, portrait sessions, and some of my personal life as well.
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Y’all know I love me some family sessions on the beach! This time I met up with an extended family group from Cincinnati, which just happens to be where I grew up! We didn’t know each other prior, but I get quite a few Ohio/Indiana families every year. Hilton Head happens to be a very popular vacation spot for so many families and it’s easy to see why once you’ve been there for a visit.
Sessions with little ones can always be tricky because you never know how kids will respond at a shoot. These kiddos did absolutely AWESOME and were so incredibly adorable to photograph. See what I mean…
I feel like every kid needs a photo of themselves swinging in the air with Mom and Dad. :-)
Look at that sweet little baby girl face!!
It’s never easy to grab a large group shot of a family that has little kiddos, but what I always remind parents (and grandparents) is that is doesn’t have to be absolutely “perfect.” The best photos in my opinion are the ones that show everyone’s personalities and are AUTHENTIC.
Look at those precious cheeks!
The image on the left is one I just LOVE. Soooo precious!
Those are some happy grandparents on vacation with their grandbabies!
If you’re interested in a family session on the beach or just in the greater Savannah area, shoot me an email at or fill out my contact form here and we can chat further!