Grab a coffee and take a look around! This is my space to share recent weddings, portrait sessions, and some of my personal life as well.
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home on the web
I think it’s a widely known fact in the cat world that cats love a good open window. Something about the breeze, the sound of birds chirping, and the occasional squirrel running up a tree 10 feet away just makes a cat go crazy. My cats are no exception. Hazel and Lucy are indoor cats (except for the few times one of them has slipped out the door and had 5 seconds of outdoor freedom before being scooped up and brought back in) and LOVE open window season. With Lucy being less than a year old, she is still in the “try-to-climb-up-the-window-screen” mode. Luckily I trim her nails regularly and she hasn’t made any holes in the screens…yet. Hazel, however, is a seasoned window cat (she’s almost 3) and could sit in an open window all day long. While these two cats are friends, they are also quite independent (as most cats are). They usually prefer to each have their own window, but the other day I caught them sharing this window so very nicely…
That is, until Lucy decided to put her paws around Hazel’s neck and start chewing on her ear. Then the sharing was over. Nevertheless, these two provided me with a very nice desktop background. :-)