Wow, as I look back on the month of October I’m realizing just what a crazy month this has been, both physically and emotionally. It seems like so much happened in such a short amount of time! The most exciting part of the month for us is displayed in our monthly photo. :-) Here’s what I want to remember about October…
- Shot three weddings and a bunch of sessions. That’s a pretty normal October for me, but as I found out this year, all of that when you’re pregnant leads to a whole lot of extra tiredness that I wasn’t expecting! Whew. Thank goodness for naps!!
- James traveled to Haiti for a week with a group from our church. We were both able to go on the trip last year (see here and here), but this year I wasn’t able to go obviously due to being pregnant, but also with my shooting schedule. This was the longest we had been a part since we’ve been married, and while I’m fine with being independent, it was challenging on the communication end of things since we couldn’t just call or text. He was able to send an email a few times so that I would know they were ok, but it definitely was hard to not be constantly worried!
- I got to do a cover shoot for Wedding Day Magazine thanks to a contest I won back at the beginning of this year! It was so fun and I can’t wait to see it the issue when it comes out in a few months!!
- We mourned the loss of two great men (separate instances) that passed away (one case happened much sooner than expected, while the other happened tragically). At the same time, we were able to rejoice in the fact that we know they are each resting in peace in the arms of their Savior!
- The most exciting part of our month happened this week: we found out that we are having a BOY!!! While we would have been happy either way, it’s just so exciting to be able to say “him” and know what the baby’s gender is. We are so thankful for a healthy pregnancy thus far. I am also thankful that my morning sickness (a.k.a. all-day-sickness) has greatly reduced itself! While it’s still not completely gone, I am getting much better with being able to smell food and make it longer periods of time without getting sick. :-)
Our photo for the month displays the fact that James is excited about the “manly” things he will want to teach our son, while I’m excited to finally be able to go clothes shopping for the baby!!

On to November!
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HAHA! This photo is SO perfect!! That baby boy will be out in the garage helping James in no time! :)