Grab a coffee and take a look around! This is my space to share recent weddings, portrait sessions, and some of my personal life as well.
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home on the web
My earliest memory of Suja is when she played a doctor in the church play. I would have been in Kindergarten or 1st Grade at the time, and I remember thinking after watching her that when I got older I wanted to act in plays too. Well, Suja grew up to be a “real life” doctor and I got to be in numerous plays throughout my elementary and junior high years. Needless to say, I’ve known Suja and her family for a long time. Tom came in the picture when Suja went to college and I’ve gotten to know him throughout the past several years as well. (He’s pretty cool too). Anna and Naomi just happen to be two of the prettiest little ladies I have ever met! We had alot of fun hanging out at their house and going to a local park.
I think we might have a little model here… ;-)
I love this time of year when the trees blossom and are bright with color!
Checking out the geese at the pond.
LOVE this moment between daddy and daughter…
I mean really, can you get any cuter than these two??
Thanks Tom, Suja, Anna, and Naomi for allowing me to capture your loving family!