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January 21, 2011

2 x 12 Project: January

I’m always the one taking the pictures and rarely the one getting my picture taken. And I’m ok with that because it’s my job and I love it. BUT, sometimes I’m having so much fun behind the camera that a couple of months will pass by before I realize I haven’t had a good picture taken of myself during that time period, much less of James and I! I LOVE looking back at pictures of our early dating years, so I know that 10 years from now I will cherish every picture of us during our early years of marriage.

Inspired by Tara Whitney and Gail Werner, who each took on personal photos projects this past year (Tara did one with her family and Gail did a self-portrait project), I’ve decided to do one of my own. Each month throughout this year James and I will make sure to get a shot of us representing that month/time in our lives. This month’s of course had to be in the snow since we have been seeing so much of it recently!

If this sounds like fun to you, I encourage you to give it a try with your family, significant other, or even by yourself! Just set up a little self-timer action and you’ll have 12 great memories at the end of the year. :-)

This picture was totally worth the snow that got in my sweater!

P.S.- In case you’re wondering, the name “2 x 12 Project” represents 2 people and 12 months. Get it?

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  1. Heidi says:

    Looking fantastic Mr. and Mrs. Davis!

  2. Gail says:

    This is ADORABLE Jenna! If only I could get Nick in the shots with me; he’s SO shy in front of the camera!

  3. Jenna says:

    Thanks ladies! This was super fun. :-)

  4. Amanda says:

    Very cute! I love that you got your hubby in on the action. Assuming I can conquer the self-portrait thing, I may have to work on this for next year! :)

  5. Maria says:


    I love this idea! I’m going to have to steal it once I start blogging again! So adorable!

  6. Melissa Missy Copeland Suttles says:

    If Randy and I were as cute as you two, maybe I'd try it! It's an awesome idea! I SO wish I'd done that as the kids were growing up!

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