Grab a coffee and take a look around! This is my space to share recent weddings, portrait sessions, and some of my personal life as well.
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What’s better when taking a family vacation than to grab some updated photos of your family while you’re there! I had a great time working with this sweet family last week on the beach in Hilton Head. The two boys are three-year-old twins, so as you can imagine, they have a lot of energy and were very busy!
When I do sessions with little ones, I work hard keep things active and moving– we are rarely sitting in one place for very long! These kind of family sessions can make for some fun memories and are so fun to look back on as the kids get older!
Of course they loved running in the water– what kid wouldn’t?!?
I LOVE sweet images like this. Being a Momma myself, these are some of my most treasured images with my boys.
Check out those beautiful eyes! So stunning.
One thing that is really important to keep in mind if you are a parent with little ones is that you don’t need to stress about everyone looking picture perfect and always looking at the camera smiling. Be IN the moment with your kids, have fun, and let me capture this stage in your life, exactly how it is!
I love being able to capture kids’ personalities during a session. Whether it’s how they laugh, the serious look they give, or funny facial expressions they make, it’s what makes them special!
Such a sweet time with this family of four! If you are interested in getting beach photos with your family on Tybee Island or Hilton Head, shoot me an email at If you’re not into beach style photos, I also do sessions in the greater Savannah area!